Sources and sinks of contaminants across northern ecosystems
Much of our work has focused on the fluxes and transformations of total mercury (THg) and methylated mercury (MeHg) across northern aquatic ecosystems, from headwaters to coastal marine environments. We use both field surveys and experiments with stable isotope additions to quantify rates of MeHg production and loss in different environments. Analyses are conducted using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS), cold-vapour atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (CVAFS) and direct mercury analyzers (DMA).
Recent collaborations have also examined the fluxes of organic contaminants (perfluoroalkyl substances, flame retardants) across northern watersheds (e.g., MacInnis et al. 2019, Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 10753-10762.). Example publications: