One of the most important steps of conducting science is clearly communicating our results to a wider audience and "translating" the minutiae of the scientific literature into a way that is accessible to people with different backgrounds.
Media coverage of our research by publication:
St. Pierre et al. 2019 PNAS [Press release]
St. Pierre et al. 2019 Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 1175-1185.
St. Pierre, Zolkos and Shakil et al. 2018, Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 14099-14109. [Press release]
Lehnherr et al. 2018, Nat. Commun. 9, 1290. [For additional coverage, see Dr. Igor Lehnherr's page.] [Press release]
St. Pierre et al. 2015, Environ. Sci. Technol. 49, 5930-5938.
St. Pierre et al. 2019 PNAS [Press release]
- Glacier Hub. "Proglacial freshwaters found to be carbon sinks" [Online article, Nov. 26 2019]
- Radio Canada. "L'eau des glaciers a le pouvoir d'absorber le CO2, selon les chercheurs" [In French, online article, Oct. 26 2019]
- Aftonbladet. "Glaciärvatten lagrar kol bättre än Amazonas" [In Swedish, online article, Oct. 25 2019]
- The Guardian. "Glacial rivers absorb carbon faster than rainforests, scientists say" [Article, Oct. 25 2019]
- CBC Whitehorse. "Glacier-fed rivers are sucking carbon dioxide out of the air: study" [Radio interview, Sept. 4 2019]
- CBC North. "Glacier-fed rivers in Nunavut are sucking carbon dioxide out of the air: study" [Online article, Sept. 2 2019]
- La Presse. "Les rivières glaciaires absorbent du CO2" [In French, online article, Aug. 28 2019]
- "Smeltende isbreer fanger CO2" [In Norwegian, online article, Aug. 27 2019]
- St. Albert Gazette. "Rivers as carbon sinks?" [Online article, Aug. 23 2019]
- "Schmelzende Gletscher nehmen CO2 auf" [In German, online article, Aug. 20 2019]
- "Arktis: Schmelzwasser als CO2-Senke" [In German, online article, Aug. 20 2019]
- La croisée, Radio Canada. "L’eau des glaciers peut absorber le CO2, selon une étude." [In French, radio interview, Aug. 19 2019]
- CBC Calgary News. [Television interview, Aug. 19 2019]
- Edmonton Journal. "Glacial water consuming carbon dioxide from the atmosphere: UofA researchers." [Online article, Aug. 19 2019]
- Inverse. "Melting Glaciers are Having an Unexpectedly Positive Effect on Carbon Dioxide (But don't expect it to be a climate change saviour" [Online article, Aug. 19 2019]
- WIRED Magazine. "Melting Glaciers are Helping to Capture Carbon" [Online article, Aug. 19 2019]
St. Pierre et al. 2019 Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 1175-1185.
- GlacierHub. "Glacial Rivers Release Mercury into High Arctic Watersheds." [Online article, Jan. 15 2019]
St. Pierre, Zolkos and Shakil et al. 2018, Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 14099-14109. [Press release]
- Arctic Canada - The Culture Cure. "Climate Change - Reactivation of mercury from permafrost into the Arctic food chain" [Podcast interview, Jan. 7 2019]
- L'Aquilon. "Pergélisol : Le mercure, un axe de recherche en développement." [In French, online article, Dec. 20 2018]
- CBC News. "Mercury from thawing permafrost ending up in Arctic waterways, study finds." [Online article, Dec. 14 2018]
- L'Aquilon. "Réchauffement climatique : Record de mercure dans les eaux ténoises." [In French, online article, Dec. 13 2018]
- Radio Canada. "Des taux de mercure record dans les eaux arctiques." [Online article, Dec. 5 2018]
- Edmonton Journal. "U of A students find record levels of mercury released into Canadian Arctic waterways from thawing permafrost." [Online article, Dec. 4 2018]
- Nature Research Highlights. "Mercury levels skyrocket thanks to Arctic warm up." [Online article, Dec. 3 2018]
Lehnherr et al. 2018, Nat. Commun. 9, 1290. [For additional coverage, see Dr. Igor Lehnherr's page.] [Press release]
- The Environmental Monitor. "Climate Change Rapidly Warming World's largest High Arctic Lake." [Online article, June 6 2018]
St. Pierre et al. 2015, Environ. Sci. Technol. 49, 5930-5938.
- Quirks and Quarks, CBC Radio. “How Mercury is Getting Into Arctic Caribou” [Radio interview, May 9 2015]
- Le café show, Radio Canada (Alberta). “Présence de mercure dans l’Arctique” [In French, live radio interview, May 5 2015]
- Northern Journal. “Mercury Contaminating Caribou Lichen on Arctic Coast” [Online article, May 4 2015]
- Chemical and Engineering News. “Land Animals Could Pick Up Methylmercury from the Sea” [Online article, Apr. 27 2015]
How we do environmental science
Public engagement on environmental issues and new science
- ARTE TV (France). "L'arbre qui cache la forêt - Le cèdre rouge de l'Ouest" [In French with subtitles, Documentary, Filmed in 2022, broadcast in 2024]:
- Pour faire un monde, Radio Canada (Saskatchewan). L'impact des feux de forêt sur la faune aquatique [In French, live radio interview, Aug. 23 2023]
- WIRED Magazine. "Sun-Loving Bacteria May Be Accelerating Glacier Melting" (Comment on new study by researchers from Rutgers University) [Online article, Jan. 25 2021]
- Québec Science. "L’aluminium aiderait les océans à capturer le CO2" (Comment on new study by researchers from INRS) [Online article, Sept. 7 2021]